Cleaning Underwear

Q: Where did soap come from?

A: There was an old lady who wore pantaloons. She didn't like them cause they smelled like baboons. So she rented a time machine to get better clothes. When she got here she couldn't believe what she could see. She saw clean undies as clean as could be. She bought some of these and some of those and wondered how to wash all of her new clothes. So she looked for all the things she needed: alcohol, chalk powder, and urine galore. But then she spied soap in a nearby store. She could get it for a price so cheap she bought heap upon heap upon heap. When she returned home everyone wanted to know how she could get all this stuff. So she told her story again and again. If she hadn't run out of soap and if her time machine hadn't broke she would have messed up history and that's the answer to this mystery.

Inspired by,
The Revealing Story of Underwear by Katie Daynes, Illustrated by Nilesh Mistry.

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