
{These are my.... Notes I guess.
These notes are for a roleplay that I want to start, but I have to work out a few quirks first.
These will be written in the first person, given that they are notes to myself. I wonder how one is going to work out....
If you have any suggestions, feel free to share <3

Firstly, there needs to be a set number of players.... Seven works. That should be enough to keep the whole thing moving. And if someone(s) wanted to quit, they could just kill their character(s). Or something that makes them permanently disappear.
Now I want there to be a set ending too. But I first need to decide what I want the RP to be about. I know I want it to be some sort of quest, but the question is: a quest for what? Treasure is out of the question. Saving the world? Maybe.... Um mum mum..... Oh gosh I have no idea. That might come later.
Now, to keep the the RP moving, I could set up a list of mini-quests or goals. Of course those would center around the main quest/goal that I can not think of right now!

Okay, lets take a break form the story. Maybe designing the profiles. Yeah, that works.
Of course there has to be the usual, Username, name, age, and race categories... But to make it an interesting RP, I have to put meat on the skeleton. How 'bout:

Profession: Wow, I spelled that right on the first try O_O
Word Color and Font:

Thats good. Everything would be as it sounds, name, race, age, blah, blah, blah. The only one that seems to make little sense, is the "Word Color and Font" part. Well that is a simple explanation; It's the color and font that you will use to make your RPC unique. Like someone could use, Orange color and Courier font. And only one person would be able to have
Orange color and Courier font. Which would look like this: Orange Courier.
But I want them to state their RPC's first and last name. Middle name if they want. I'll put that in parenthesis.

No wait.... I can't have seven all powerful heroes running around! I'll add a fears and faults section to the profile. I also need to bold the the thingys....

Now, for my RPC..... *evil grin*

Username: Betrayal SilverBlood
Name: Enin O. Corover (O. stands for Oblivion)
Race: Lunar Elf turned Litch
Age: 73 (looks and sort of acts 18/20-ish)
Profession: Necromancer
Weapon(s): Scythe
Magic/Abilities: Can heal severe wounds (external or internal). Can feel death, as in she can tell if someone is dieing and she can tell if there is a ghost, shade, undead, is nearby. Can talk to the dead. Can use black magic/shadow energy to a large extent.
Fears and Faults: Will loose power when is solitude, given that she is a Litch, because she in a way feeds off of the dieing life force of those around her. She can not die, she will stay unconscious for days, weeks, months, even years at a time when delivered a death blow, but she can not die unless the dieing life force(s) she feeds off of is/are cut off of from her for long enough. If she uses too much black magic/shadow energy at any given time, the entirety of the magic/energy will backfire on her. Scared of being left behind and alone. Sometimes she can get a bit clingy.
Appearance: *picture for this spot is being drawn*
Word Color and Font: Word color is Purple and Font is
Other: Nothing right now.

There! My profile. I am quite pleased. I'll fill in the empty parts later.

Sadly, I still do not have an idea for what should be happening in the RP. It'll come too me later.
I hope.....