In which a new and wonderful world is quilted together by a young woman's imagination...
Fire Flower
this is fire flower. shes an angel. and i'll give a more detialed stroy when i upload her dacing partner. i still have to ink and color him..........oh wait. i know a secret to inking. wanna know it???? *wispers* you copy then ink XD
Front Cover
danmed scanner >.< messed up my pic!!!! oh well T-T. well this is BUNNY MUFFIN!!!!! bunny muffin is your best freind. it'll help you on yur home work or keep anoying siblings away for hours! bunny muffins come in may colors! bule, red, pink, orange, any color you want! buy your bunny muffin today! only $5.99 (plus shipping and hadling) XD XD XD if only, id get a bunny muffin to keep my little bro away..............Buy a bunny muffin! XD
this is Fengi. fengi comes from fenzed (pluto) he has a wife her name is Shasaw and has 46 kids. hes my best freind and is going to be in an up coming comic story thing im gonna make. fengi is made out of pure shadow, so he can't be in all dark or all light. fengi fallows me aroud and only knows as much about earth as i do. be nice to fengi. his kind are the monsters under your bed. their very nice ^.^
This is Pashin. She's a RPC (role playing chariter) I made. Pashin is 14, has a pet cat thats black has three tails and ice blue eyes. she can control fire, wind, and drakness, hence the black flames and swirl. Pashin live in a never ending forest that has houses, and ponds here and there. in the middle of the forest there is a pobd the has pich black waters. okay thats all....oh wait good news. i have lots of pic to upload :D
Marc Chagall
This is a painting of my cat shadow, based on a cat in one of Marc Chagall's paintings. I chose this part of the painting because i thought it would be fun to make a cat with a human head....and i really love cats. I found the painting in a book called Marc Chagall: Life is a Dream. the author is Brigitta Hopler.
The Wolf Girls
The book The Wolf Girls is a book that explores the mystery of two girls that supposedly were raised by wolves. The book tells the story in three ways and at the end of the book, it gives four commonly believed theories of the Wolf Girls' experiences. The reason there are so many versions and theories is because there wasn't any good documentation of what happened. The book also has details about what the girls looked like, how they behaved, and how they were treated. The main figures in this book are Minister Singh, Amala, and Kamala (the two wolf girls).
What I think the real story is
I Believe that the two girls were really raised by wolfs because they walked and ran on all fours and and that's how wolfs walk, their hands were also calloused from doing so. Other signs of being raised by wolfs was that the girls only ate raw meat and howled like a wolf. all of these characteristics points to the girls being raised by wolfs.
How Singh kept records
Singh made up many storys about the wolf girls. at first he wanted to make it so that nobody knew that they were found with wolfs by saying a holy man had given the girls to him to take care of, but after he found out that the wolf girls were a good source of money he put them on display to make money for the Orphanage. I thought this was very cruel. Singh wrote a journal about how he found the girls, a year after the girls were found. the journal talked about how, when, and where Singh found the two wolf girls. In His Journal Singh says that some villagers from Godamuri asked him to come and scare away some man ghosts. but when Singh saw these man ghosts he realized they were humans, the two wolf girls.
How I would keep records
I would have kept records from the first time I saw them. By doing this i would have made it easier for people to uncover the mystery. if Singh did this there would be less confusion and maybe no mystery.
How Singh cared for the girls
In Singh's journal it says that Singh put the two girls in separate cages, left and put the care of the girls in the villagers hands. The girls were to fed rice mixed with water each day. The villagers were so scared of these children (for they still thought the children were man ghosts and would hurt them) the villagers fled their village and left the girls to starve. when Singh he returned after five days he saw that the villagers were gone and the girls were starved and near death.
How I would care for the girls
What i would do is this: i would have stayed with them no matter what else i had to do, i would have put them in a place where they could be warm and together and watch and care for them myself. I also would let them eat whatever they needed to eat, for if they had been raised by wolfs the food they originally ate was probably better for them.
The Wolf Girls by Jane Yolen and Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple, Illustrated by Roger Roth.
The Wolf Girls by Jane Yolen and Heidi Elisabet Yolen Stemple, Illustrated by Roger Roth.
Cleaning Underwear
Q: Where did soap come from?
A: There was an old lady who wore pantaloons. She didn't like them cause they smelled like baboons. So she rented a time machine to get better clothes. When she got here she couldn't believe what she could see. She saw clean undies as clean as could be. She bought some of these and some of those and wondered how to wash all of her new clothes. So she looked for all the things she needed: alcohol, chalk powder, and urine galore. But then she spied soap in a nearby store. She could get it for a price so cheap she bought heap upon heap upon heap. When she returned home everyone wanted to know how she could get all this stuff. So she told her story again and again. If she hadn't run out of soap and if her time machine hadn't broke she would have messed up history and that's the answer to this mystery.
Inspired by,
The Revealing Story of Underwear by Katie Daynes, Illustrated by Nilesh Mistry.
This is Pachwork. I can't decide when but some time in her past she got into an accident and most of her body was blown to pieces. When her friends found her most of body wasn't there,.Pachwork's head, arms, and chest where all intact but her legs, hands and her left eye were gone. Pachwork's friends stitched her back together. They used a sloth's hand for her left hand, a yellow cat eye, and magic to make her float, and many other bits and pieces of skin and muscle to patch her together. Pachwork has then on dedicated her life to finding the person who destroyed her....
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