Deep-Swamp School (one)

1. An introduction

My name is Andre Silverbane. To someone who doesn't know me, I look like an ordinary fifteen-year-old girl... With a head entirely of purple hair (except my bangs, which are brown). But to those who know me, like my friends and family, I am quite different. I go to Deep-Swamp School, a school for those with...... Powers. The best way I can put it is Deep-Swamp is like Hogwarts and Professor Xavier's school for the gifted, except we're not witches or wizards and we're not mutants. We're just different.
Deep-Swamp School is just like it sounds, a school deep in a swamp. But it is a beautiful school. It looks like a huge conservatory-like building. It has beautiful glass domes and vines grow up on it from everywhere. There are three floors. The first floor has the main hall, the dining hall, and the math, science, and history classrooms. The first floor also has the infirmary. The second floor has many different classrooms for the many different powers, the principle's office, and the library. The third and final floor has all the dorms in it, including the principle's and the teachers dorms. Outside behind the school there is a lake that has beautifully carved rocks, stones, and boulders all around it. When people here the word "swamp", they think about a musky, hot, and humid place, but this swamp is actually quite cold (most of the time) and dry.

Deep-Swamp School (oddly enough) is a stay-away school. As in, you don't go home at night (you wouldn't want to, the bus drive is like six or seven hours). The school is like this even though the ages of the kids there go from twelve to eighteen. There are fifty dorms, with three people per dorm. The cool/weird thing is that the teachers don't mind if boys and girls share the same dorm. Nothing has ever happened (that I know of) but at least I can talk with my two best friends all night long.

There are different "categories" that each child fits into. Most people have only one power. For example; My friend, Nicoleus only fits into the "Shifter" category because he is only a shape-shifter. The biggest combination of powers one can have is three. Like my other friend, Thane, fits into the three categories of "Elements", "Telepathy", and "Telekinesis" because he has Pyrokinesis (control over fire), Telepathy, and Telekinesis. Though, on rare occasion someone may have four or five different powers. My category is "Void", I can control all aspects of black magic. I can control darkness, make black holes and voids, I can control the element of Space (a rare element) and many other things.

A typical day at Deep-Swamp starts at 0700 hours (the place runs on military time). Then we have thirty minutes to eat breakfast. At 0730 we all head outside for a P.E.-like wake-up exercise. Then at 0830 we have math. Then science. Then history. And thats all of the "normal" classes we have. Now it's 1100 and we have lunch. After lunch, things start getting interesting. 1200 Hours, everyone goes to the class for their category/categories. The classes shuffle around so that everyone can get to go to all of the classes they need to. Though while everyone goes their classes with the other students, I get privately tutored. Why? My category is "Void", a very highly unstable and rare power that needs constant surveillance (I nearly killed a boy on my first day). Each class is an hour long, and five classes are in session at any one time until 1800 hours. Then we have dinner. After that, we have until 2100 hours (bedtime) to run around the grounds and be free. 2200 Hours and it's lights out. Then we sleep (most of the time) and start the day back up again at 0700.
But on Saturdays and Sundays, we have the whole day off. We can sleep late but breakfast is at 0900 hours, so if we want food we need to get up. Lunch and dinner are at the regular times. Bedtime is at 2200 hours and lights out it at 2400 hours.

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