
(small spur of the moment story.)

Chelsie was late. She was always late. That put Betz off. In this line of work you had to be on time. No matter what. And what was worse, Chelsie had been working here for at least two years longer then Betz. The bell on the front door rang as someone walked in. It was a young woman, about five foot three with long curly blond hair. The woman walked over to the table that Betz sat at, chewing quite loudly on some bubblegum. "You're late." Betz said sternly. Chelsie blew a large bubble that popped with a large sound. Betz cringed, she hated Chelsie. Chelsie was the daughter a rich man and never let anyone forget that. "I saw some shoes and just had to get them." Chelsie said sitting down. "As if that lets you off for being late. This is big Chelsie. As in you could have gotten fired for being late big." Betz tried to tell Chelsie how big of a deal this new mission was. Chelsie was looking at her nails, not paying attention to Betz. "Chelsie!" Betz slammed her fist on the table. Everone in the small diner looked over to them. Betz did not care. She got looks like that a lot. Chelsie on the other hand did care. "What?" she finally said, her attention on Betz now. "The monsters came out of the sewers last night and killed five civilians. You and I are to go and investigate." Betx summarized the mission up into a quick few sentences. Chelsie shrugged. "Why didn't you say so, lets go." she said, getting up. Betz cursed under her breath and the two of them walked out of the diner.

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