From Ink to Skin (2)

Part/Chapter two
Some light shed
I walked into the tavern hall where the meeting had taken place last night. It was five till ten. I looked around, the lighting was better now and I could see the table in the middle of the room. Not to far from it, maybe ten feet, there was a bar. I had wondered where everyone had gotten their drinks. Behind the bar there stood a tall slender figure. She had short pixie cut hair that was an array of browns with some streaks of green here and there. Her ears were slightly pointed and as she turned to face me I saw that her eyes were like molten amber with flecks of turquoise.
"Um, I'm Lanita Krane. Are you Ecneitap Tontret?" I asked, unsure. The woman smiled.
"That'd be me. Nice to meet you miss Krane." She nodded to me. I blushed slightly, I always did when someone called me by my last name.
"Please, just call me Lanita." I said smiling back at her. Ecneitap giggled slightly and poured herself a glass of champagne.
"Then you can call me Ennie. Please sit with me." She picked up a bag by her feet and went over to the table with her drink. I sat beside her. Before I could think of anything to say, much less say something, Ecneitap spoke.
"Now I bet you'd like to know why I snapped at you about DFF last night?" She asked sipping at her champagne.
"Yes please. If you would be so kind." I said.
"Well then make yourself comfortable. This will take a while to tell." She said, her cheery face dimming and she leaned back into her chair. I situated myself and Ecneitap started her story.
company. But getting to the good stuff. I was taking a tour of the main factory when I saw a young boy, 'bout your age, summoning. Back then I was new to it all so I stopped to watch. The man showing me around told me that the drawing the boy was summoning was his own and that the boy's name was "Well, when I was about your age, DFF hired me. Mind you, this was twenty years ago. Back then it was a new-ishAclen. I watched, enchanted as he brought forth a beautiful angel. But just as the drawing was almost taken from the pages of the book, it grabbed hold of Aclen and pulled him back into his own book. I was terrified. DFF told me that it was a mistake, a leftover hex form a previous test. I was gullible back then and believed them. As the men took Aclen's book off the table I saw his name written in an emerald green on the cover. Three years I subjected myself to their experiments, three years Aclen's death hunted me, three years, three wasted years. One day, I was walking down a corridor and I over heard a meeting going on. It was because of what I heard in the meeting that I quit. I over heard them saying that Aclen's death was on purpose, that he didn't live up to DFF's expectations and had to be disposed of. I also heard that they were going to do the same thing to me. So I went to the vault, took all my books and was about to leave when a glint of green caught my eye. It was Aclen's book. I picked it up and went to the first DFF agent I could find and told him That I had quit. With that I left and have never heard form them 'till now." Ecneitap took a breath.
"Thats it." She said looking at me. I muddled over what she had said. Ecneitap let me think in silence, not something everyone did for me. After about five minutes of matching up the facts and such I nodded.
"Your right. DFF might be fake. But how do I know what you said about Aclen is true?" I inquired. Ecneitap smiled and reached into her bag. As I watched she pulled out a slick, almost new looking, book. Ecneitap put the book on the table and I saw that on the cover, in an emerald green, the word "Aclen" was written.
"I thought you might not believe me. So I brought this to back my case." Ecneitap said as she opened the book. On every page intricate drawings had been sketched. The last page with a drawing was in the middle of the book. In the drawing a beautiful angel encircled her wings around a boy with sharp green eyes. The page was splattered with blood.
"That is Aclen." Ecneitap said pointing to the boy.
"This is what DFF wanted to do to me, because I wasn't good enough for them." she said letting me take the book to examine the picture closer. As I looked I saw the boy blink!
"What!? How!?" I exclaimed. But Ecneitap stayed calm.
"He's still alive." Was all that she said.

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