Goblin (1)

Key walked through the palace gardens. She was the seventh and youngest born of the royal Goblin family. Her almost white blond hair was up in a fancy bun that her second elder sister had done for her. Her eyes where a sharp and almost alive ice blue. Key might've been the youngest but she was still the tallest out of all of her older sisters.
Key smiled. She had always liked the fact that she was taller, like her mother. Her mother...Her mother had died in the last war against the humans. A brave warrior her mother had been. Now Key and her six sister lived and were taught by her father, The Goblin King. His real name he kept hidden for reasons Key would never understand.
Key leaned down to sniff one of the lunar roses. It's sent was strong and pungent, almost like a good stick of incense. It was amazing how fast the lunar roses grew without the presence of humans. Symbol called out to Key from her bedroom window.
"C'mon Key! A messenger bird came and said that daddy's on his way back and he has a whole wagon load of stuff that the Dragons gave him!"
"Awesome! I'll run to the front gate as fast as I can!" Key yelled back. As Symbol ducked inside Key picked a few lunar roses, a red tulip, and five sour flowers, and than ran to the front gate. She tied up the little bundle of flowers with a green ribbon form her dress as she ran.
When Key got to the front gate all of her sisters were already there waiting for their father to trot through the gate. Key joined Symbol and Feather, her two closest sisters. At first it seemed normal, but when Kay's father didn't arrive after an hour Key began to worry, so did everybody else.


Melina said...

The suspense is delicious! And her family sounds so interesting.

Patience said...

Yeah, it was influenced by my new GaiaOnline user name, Goblin Queen. So I now have another story to chew on.

Dr. Larry Peck said...

When you are rich and famous, I am going to hire you and your mother an editor.

You are doing a great job of describing what is going on in the story.

Patience said...

Thankies! *hugs Larry* Can't wait 'till that day comes.