Goblin (2)

Two hours. Still no sign of the king. Key picked a the grass. What was taking him so long? Symbol was braiding Feather's hair and her other sisters were either pacing or sitting down. A demon would be able to smell the panic and worry in the air, the whole situation was that bad. Just then, a messenger bird flew over the castle walls and landed at Keys feet. Key took the scroll that had been tied to it's back.

"My youngest daughter,
On my way home we were ambushed by humans. As you know, I took only my scribes and one guard with me, so we were easily overthrown. I was able to sneak this letter to before the humans could see. I know what I'm saying next will confuse you, but in time it will make sense. Go to my room, pull that lever I told you never to touch, then go where it leads you. Take only Symbol and Feather with you. None of your other sisters or anybody else in the castle is to know about this. The room in which the lever leads you will answer most of your questions. Instructions will be awaiting you there.

I love you Key,

Key read the whole thing to herself. Not letting sound escape her lips. When she was done she took the bird and stood up.
"Symbol, Feather, come with me." She said this softly as she didn't want her other sisters to hear. Symbol and Feather looked at each other, stood, and followed Key.
The climb to their fathers room was long. No wonder he wouldn't go up here unless he really needed to. When they finally came to the door, a forbidding feeling came over all of them. After a few seconds of standing there, Key opened the door. The lever was in the upper left and corner of the room. Key went over to it, Symbol and Feather followed hesitantly. Pulling all the courage she could muster, Key reached out and pulled the lever. It was heavy and in need of oil, but she pulled it all the way anyway.
One of the bookcases moved away from the wall and revealed a door with intricate metal vines entwining it.
"Whoa." They all said at once.


Dr. Larry Peck said...

Excellent building of tension.

I thought you mentioned that Key's bun was done by her second elder sister. So that would mean she had one more older sister. Making her the third born of six. But her dad references her as the youngest.???

Patience said...


What I meant by that was that the fifth daughter did her hair, her second eldest. Does that make sense to you???