School of Dark Feinds (1)

Twilight ran through the forest as fast as a hare. Today was the first day of school and she just couldn't wait to see Emily, Kitty, and Thane again. See was so exited she didn't see the troll until she ran into him.
"Ey, you wach it wolfy!" Said the troll. Twilight looked up rubbing her head. It was Jaken, the infamous troll bully. She stood up strait and brushed her shoulders off.
"Sorry troll. I didn't see you there, you blended in to well. Here let me give you some color." Twilight smurked and then jumped up and scratched his arms and face. Jaken screamed.
"How teh hell did you do tat?! When'd you learn tat cwrap?!" She turned around to where Twilight was standing behind him now.
"Oh, just a little something I learned last year. In the class you failed in." She stuck out her tongue and then continued to run to school. Twilight reached the old fountain garden that Emily, Kitty, Thane and herself used to hangout. It was overgrown with vines and weeds.
"BOO!" yelled a familiar voice behind her. It was Emily Crage the ghost girl. With Emily there was Katerina Kally, the cat girl, and Thane Seventh, the pure blood demon boy. Twilight ran up and hugged each one of them.
"It's sooo good to see y'all again!" Twilight said as the four of them walked up to the school doors.
"It's nice to see my favorite were-wolf again." Thane said picking her up.
"Ah! Thane c'mon out me down." Twilight said laughing. Thane put her down and kissed her on the cheek. Emily and Kitty giggled and Twilight gave them her 'he's my boyfriend' look. They all laughed and walked up to the two huge oak doors that were the entrance to the school.

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