Co-op homework


By William Shakespeare

Folger Shakespeare Library

King vs. Villain

by: Patience R. Winterton

Kingly graces:

"The King becoming graces, as justice, verity, temp'rance, stableness, bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, devotion, patience, courage, fortitude." (4.3.107-110)

Villeins graces:

"Luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful, sudden, malicious, smacking of every sin that has a name." (4.3.71-73)

A king is obligated to follow certain rules, certain virtues. Above they are listed. Now a villain has different rules and virtues. These are also listed above. In this essay I will speak of why a villain is not a king and visa-versa.


A king is only king when his people like him, respect him, and willingly do as he says. He must be kind and do what is best for his people, and himself at the same time. Otherwise he will have no one to be king for.

In this case Macbeth is not doing a very good job as king. As Macduff said: "Not in the legions of horrid hell can come a devil more damned in evils to top Macbeth." (4.3.67-69) Form what I picked up in the story, many people felt this way about Macbeth.


You would know a villain by how he/she acts. For example: "I should pour the sweet milk of concord into hell, uproar the universal peace, confound all unity on earth." (4.3.113-116). A villain does not care. How else would they get away with and live with all the crimes they have committed.


A villain can not be a king because a real king feels and cares. A King can not be a villain because, a villain feels nothing and does not care about anything. In the story Macbeth tried to a king, but the way he became king made him a villain. As I have said before, the two do not mix! Macbeth can not make his people happy, and he could not get over the fact that he murdered the last king, Duncan, to get where he is now. Well, that guilt went away some what, but you get the point! Macbeth was a villain trying to play king. He failed.

As for his wife, she wanted to be a villain. A cold blooded killer. At first she was good with throwing way her feelings. But soon, her crimes came back to haunt her. Unlike a real villain, LadyMacbeth could not brush her feelings of guilt and remorse away. She become so overwhelmed with what she did, she killed herself.

What I am trying to say is: A villain is the complete opposite of a king. It is good versus evil, they just do not go together! Macbeth tried to be a villain king, his wife a villain queen. In the end they both died and better people took up the roles. I believe my point has been made.

Thank you.

Living so many lives

Part Five
Out in space.
For weeks now, Jake has been bombarding me with questions about the tablet. Why did I do what I did when he first showed it to me? What did the tablet mean to me? I never spoke a word. He would sometimes threaten me, by saying he would kill Thane. I knew he was bluffing. Sometimes he would put the laser pistol to my head and say that if I didn't tell him he would kill me. I knew that if he killed me, he'd be just as bad off then as he is now. So I said nothing.We docked at a space port. Jake made me stay behind. It was another day a useless questioning, but Jake never gave up. Then, there was a knock on the door. Jake looked up, a glint of panic in his eyes. But he pulled himself together, put his gun in its holster, and went to the door.
"Hello?" He asked, but before he could say any more there was a loud 'thud' and he fell to the ground, nose bleeding. I looked up, there was a girl in the door way. Not much younger than me.
"Goodbye." She said taking a shot form her bag and injecting Jake with some kind of molten gold liquid. Then she stood and cut Thane's bonds. Her hair was brown and her bangs had been died a very vibrant ocean blue. But what had really caught my eye was the tattoos on her shoulder blades. Wings, the same color as her hair. She was also one of my kind.
"Take the tablet. I'll get him." She said, in a voice way beyond her looks. I did as she said. Her wings were blue, a sign of age and years, that meant that she was my elder and I was obligated to do as she said. She carried Thane down the hallways while I carried the tablet. She took us to an airlock where she had snuck in and where her ship was attached to our hull. She put Thane in the back seat and the tablet in a padded case. I sat in the seat next to her.
"May I be so kind, as to ask your name?" I asked her. She smiled.
"No problem. I'm Qeanin. Third born." She said starting the shuttle. My eyes widened in surprise and honor. I was with the third born, the most powerful and respected of my race.

Living so many lives

Part three
Out in space.
I have been quiet. Just like Jake told me. I'm worried about Thane. He's just like me, but he doesn't know it. He's the same creature, just younger. Right now another Thane is helping another me. A winged me. Jake had kept Thane locked up in his quarters and told me to tell the captain that Thane died on his last mission. I know I lied, something I rarely ever do. But...If that Thane dies, so does the other one. Then, I'll die because my other self will die without him. I know I'm not making much sense but, thats whats happening

Part Four
Down in a cavern.
Oaklike smiled at me and then walked over to a tablet.
"I am one of these beings." She pointed to one of the shadow people one the walls.
"I am a Shaden. A creature of dark yet without us there would be no light." She said in an almost singing voice. Oaklike looked at me, her eyes bright and alive, not dull like they used to be. Her wings were now almost all dark crimson red.
"A what? Creature of darkness?" I asked. I had thought she was an angel or something, but no. She was something I had never heard of before. Oaklike giggled.
"I am a soul. A soul with a mind of it's own. Most souls live inside of a person and give them life. I am my own person. Am I making any sense?" She asked flexing her wings slightly. I processed what she had said for a minute. A creature of darkness that gives a person life. I had always thought that your soul was a thing of light and purity but for some reason I knew that what said was real. The truth.
"Yes. I understand." I said still unsure of my own thoughts. Oaklike turned away from the wall and went into the center of the cavern. She looked around her, I didn't know what she was doing and was about to ask when she unfurled her wings. It was a sight to behold.
They were beautiful, and almost reached me where I was standing. Oaklike looked up to the ceiling and sighed. She pulled her wings back to her body. Now, her wings were completely crimson red.

Living so many lives

Part two
Down in a cavern.
The girl and I swapped a few words before she passed out again. She said her name was Oaklike and that she was glad that two fine men like Dan I could help her. Tough she also said that she, at this very minute, was living another life in another world and time. I was about to ask more but she had put her head down and closed her eyes. Dan was still sleeping so I stood up and looked at the pictures that covered the walls of the cavern. The writing on the walls were faded and I couldn't read them, but all the illustrations were still intact. I couldn't read the story that the pictures told but many times I saw shadowy figures helping a winged figure that I guessed was Oaklike. It was strange trying to figure out what the pictures and symbols meant. I don't know how long I was staring at them, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, thinking it was Dan. It wasn't. Oaklike stood there smiling. Her wings had started to change colors. The tips of her wings were still a dull gray but as the feather went up the color went form gray to blood red.
"Whats happanin' to your wings?" I asked looking at them. The chains seemed to have dissolved and the only metal on her that I could see were the rings that were pierced into her wings.
"Oh, nothing really important. But I would like to know your name." Her voice was more...Full now. It was soft and kind, not broken and ruff. I shook my head, I had forgot to tell her my own name.
"I'm Thane. My buddy there is Dan." I said pointing to the snoring Dan laying on the cavern floor. She giggled softly. It was a nice sound to hear.
"So..." I hesitated. Should I ask her more. Or would that be rude? Before I could say anymore, Oaklike smiled and spoke.
"What would you like to know?" She looked at me with soft eyes. It was then I noticed her eyes were a deep violet, not brown or green or the usual eye color. But then again, she's not an ordinary person either.
"Well...I would like to know what you are." I said, my voice wavering a little, I still didn't know what was okay or not.

Woo! Free story done for me ^^

Qeanin took her coat and quickly left the house, running into the cold, empty streets. She looked around herself and saw nothing but a small child. She walked up to the child and leaned down to speak to him. "Are you alright?" she asked. The child pointed towards an old shack. Qeanin decided to investigate.
As Qeanin neared the shack, she noticed that the door had been broken. It was pitch black inside and the only sounds were the slight squeaks of her own footsteps.
When she got inside, there was a little note on the ground. "Tick, tock, watch the clock." it read.
Qeanin knew what it was. It was the same person who had stolen her family's money when she was little. She couldn't stand to see the child go through what she had gone through.
Just then, she had an idea- she ran back to her house and remained in there for about an hour. when she came back out, she was dressed in a very odd outfit. long gloves, a little jumpsuite, tall boots and a mask- she was ready to take on the man that had shattered her dreams.

A friend on an website wrote this for me and I thought I should post it here. The link to her profile is:
And the link to the website is:
If you decide to join, my user name is qeanin. So if you see that user name, its ME!

Living so many lives

Out in space.
It all happened on that day, out in space, so many years ago. I was going to my room, my shift had just ended and I needed some sleep. Then Jake, the third person in charge, came out of a connecting junction pointing a laser pistol at me.
"This way." he said in a voice of ice. For some reason, I did as he said. We walked down the corridor to his room. When the door opened I could've hit Jake. There in the middle of the room, Thane sat bound to a chair. He looked up to me, his face weary and pale. Thane had been a good friend of mine.
"What is the meaning of this?!" I asked enraged. Jake said nothing, only went over to the table and pulled a cover off of something I hadn't noticed when I had come in. When he showed me what had been covered, I nearly feel to the ground in pain. Jake had uncovered a tablet. A tablet that described one of my past lives. A life that I hadn't yet finished.

Part one
Down in a cavern.
"Did you hear that?" Dan hissed at me. I shook my head, but I stood still, tying to hear what Dan had. Then I heard it! A sobbing was coming from deeper inside the cave.
"Crying? Who would be down here crying?" I asked Dan in a hushed voice, he just shrugged and followed the sound. I followed him, making sure that my steps were soft and quiet. After about an hour of walking down a steep and rocky path we came into a dark but open space. Dan felt along the sides of the cavern looking for something. He stuck his hands in some water. Wait no, it was oil. I took my torch and held it to the liquid. The whole room burst into light! The sobbing was coming form inside the pillar at the back of the cave. Dan went to look at the pictures and the walls and I went up to the pillar. A beautiful figure had been painted on the pillar. Being me, I reached out to touch the pillar. When I did the pillar started to move. At first I didn't know which way it was moving, but then it started to move up into the ceiling. Dan ran over to me and watched. When the shaking stopped and the Pillar had been pulled high into ceiling and the same figure that had been drawn on the pillar hung chained form the ceiling. She was the one crying but she seemed to not have noticed Dan and I. Quickly we took the girl down and laid her on the ground. She had two huge beautiful wings. Each one was about at long as her and they were colored a dull gray with some red where the chains had been put. Dan and I decided to wait for her to wake up and we set up camp in the cavern. I don't know how much time had past when the girl started to move. Dan had fallen asleep so I went over to her side a cup of hot soup in my hands. Her eyes flickered opened. She looked at me her eyes red and swollen form all the crying.
"Thank you..." She said in a broken voice that seemed to have not been used for years.
"Your welcome." I said, a little confused. Yeah, Dan and I did take her down but something was nagging me at the back of my head.

Battle Scene

Vivex didn't answer Fred just watched as he moved closer. When he went to punch her, Vivex dogged to the side, but given her wounded leg the punch still hit her. Being thrown sideways and backward and the same time Vivex tried to regain her balance. Once she had, she put her free hand and where Fred had hit her. It stung but was nothing more than a scratch. Vivex looked back at him. then with out warning she disappeared and then reappeared behind him and swung her hammer, knocking him into the center of the Arena. Smiling she finally answered Fred's remark abut her being and observer.
"Now, now Fred. Your not much for eye candy." She said this in a 'mean' way, trying to get on his nerves.

This is a Battle scene from a RP (Role Play) That I have made.

Chain of Powers

This Topic come up on a web-sight that I play on. Thought I might share.

I believe that there is chain of powers for this Earth and that every planet with life on it has this chain, but each one varies between worlds. The chain goes like this:

The all Creator: A being of power that obtained the power to create life and so on. There is only one of these being for every planet. This being came form a chain for a different planet. It became powerful enough to break from it's old chain and start it's own.

The Gods: Beings that were created from the beliefs of the people living on the planet. There are as many of these beings as there are the belief in them. If you get what I mean.

Higher Entities: Beings that keep the balance between everything. War and peace, good and evil, realty and fantasy, etc. If there are more Higher Entities that favor one thing more than the other, the thing that has more "votes" has more power. Like there are more Entities for war than peace here on Earth.

Lesser Entities: These beings watch over us and make sure that we are in check. Many Lesser Entities are assigned to certain people. Like a guardian and unconscious adviser.

The Elements: The Elements vary from rock, lava, and water to fate, time and destiny. They are probably most important part in the chain. Without them, we would have nothing (Nothing is also an Element by the way). Each Element is addressed as "Brother" or "Sister" and then the element they are in control of. Such has, Brother Fire, and Sister Future. On Earth Sister Space is the strongest Element.

The People: This is quite obvious. Its us. Humans, Vampires, Ferengi, whatever. It is the race/species/people that live on the planet.

Also each being can become stronger and change into one of the beings above it. For example:

A Person can be chosen to take the place of an Element when said Element wishes to retire. Then when The Element becomes more powerful and more respected it can become a Lesser Entity. When the Lesser Entity has earned the right to be more, it can become a Higher Entity. From there the Higher Entity can take on the role of a God When that God wishes to retire. After the God has become powerful enough it can break from the chain and become an All Creator, and start his/her own chain.

Theres lots more but this is the basics ^3^

Thrae and Sveargith

this is just a quicky off the top of my head. hope you enjoy <3

Once upon a time, there was a boy. His name was Thrae, Draconic for air. Thrae had the strange power of being able to control the weather. He could make it rain even if there were no clouds in the sky and he could make a strong wind stop in its tracks. Even though Thrae was an important person in the community, many people hated him and called him a demon. After his thirteenth birthday, Thrae decided that he couldn't take it any more and ran into the nearby woods.

Thrae in his anger had forgotten to take anything with him. Scorning himself he looked for a place to stay. Finding a cave he layed down and fell asleep in th entrance.
Thrae was awakened by a loud noise that had come from the cave. Sitting up he looked for what made it. When he found it, he regretted leaving the village. A huge dragon stood over him. It's scales were a magnificent glittering green. "And who might you be?" the dragon asked. Spitting out the word 'you'. "I am Thrae. Who are you?" Thrae stood up to his full hight. "I am Sveargith." the dragon looked down at Thrae as if he were a snack.

Thrae looked up at Sveargith, and with what courage he could muster he spoke "I am sorry for trespassing on your territory. Could you by chance tell me where i could go? That is not the village?" Sveargith sat down and wrapped his tail around his feet. Like a cat. "There is no other place." He said in a blank tone. Thrae sighed and started to walk back to the village. Before Thrae could take five steps, Sveargith grabbed him and tossed him into that cave. "What can you do human? Why would you run away?" Sveargith looked at Thrae with pricing eyes. "I can control the weather." Thrae said now scared. Sveargith contemplated this for a moment, but didn't take his eyes off Thrae. "You will stay here. I know a female dragon that is coming this way. She would like a human servant for her home." As Thrae's eyes widened; Sveargith smiled a toothy smile. "Tough luck human. You should know never to trust a green dragon." Sveargith took Thrae to a cell deep in his cave and left him there. "I should of never left the village." Thrae said holding onto the bars.

Space's Children. By: me

Rayah jolted upright in her bed. She looked over to the clock.
"Damn. Freaking three in the morning..." She grumbled but got out of bed anyway. Tucking the loose stands of her dark mahogany hair behind her ears, Rayah walked over to her window. A silhouette stood there in the green of the lawn.
"Who the heck?" she squinted, trying to get a better view of whoever was there. Then it just disappeared. Like dust int the wind. Rayah shook her head.
"Just a trick of the light. Nothing to worry about." she yawned and started to walk back to here bed.
"I'm no trick of the light." A deep almost demonic voice came from behind her. Rayah whipped around. There in front of her stood a boy who seemed about seventeen.
"Who the hell are you!?" she said in a raised but not loud enough to be yelling. Rayah didn't want to wake the rest of the girls.
"I'm you're Demon, you're darkness." he said, his eyes where glowing purple and his hair was a bright shining sliver that nearly reached the floor.
"M-my what?" Rayah's voice started to shake. She wasn't scared of demon before, but now she felt like running away. Fast.
"You're demon. I'm supposed to take you home to Space, you're mother..." his eyes softened looking right into hers. Rayah stood there stunned for a few second s and then shook her head, coming back to her senses.
"Wait a sec. My mother? I don't have one, she died years ago. The reason I'm in this god-forsaken orphanage." she said waving about her. Her so called demon shook his head.
"That human wasn't your mother. She was just to care for you as long as she could. But now that you are of age, it is my duty to watch over you." he put a lot of emphases on 'my'. He seemed to be ever so slightly exited about the whole thing. The wired thing was, Rayah had calmed down. She was no longer scared and actually wanted to go with him.
"Okay, but first things first. Who are you? Like do you have a name or are you just Demon?" she sarted to get together what little she owned and couldn't live without.
"My name is Thane." He said in a softer voice but it was still demonic.

First Post

Akrah came up onto a tavern that had way to many drunken Hunters sitting around. Wrinkling her nose in disgust she went up the the bar and asked the bartender if her could fill her canteen with his best red wine. After he had done so she tossed him two gold coins and went outside. A Hunter clad in red stood there, he looked to be in his late twentys early thirtys. He seemed to have alot on his mind, Akrah walked up to him.
"Good evening sir." She said stopping a few feet away from him.

this it the first post by my RPC (role play character) Akrah Merlith. The Role Play is going pretty good right now and I have plenty of people playing dragons. I just need more Hunters, theres only two of us *sniff*

Hunter Profile

Menewsha Name: qeanin
Name: Akrah Merlith
Race: 1/4 Human 3/4 Demon
Age: 18
Abilities: Super agility. Can control a variety of Magix. Can heal simple wounds such as scratches and shallow cuts.
Weapons: Giant enchanted sword made of Dragon bone. Twin Dragon teeth daggers with emeralds on the hilt.
Past: Akrah trained to become a Hunter with her father for he was one of the strongest. After seven years of training she became an official Hunter. At the age of sixteen she killed one of the strongest types of Dragon, a Empiric Gold. The battle left her cut and mangled, but slowly the healed herself and took her prizes home. The bones and teeth of an Empiric Gold Dragon are one of the strongest materials known to this earth, and Akrah took advantage of that and her father made her weapons for her. She is now eighteen and has made a decent amount of money by selling the Dragon hide and other things that would go for a pretty penny.
Appearance: Akrah Merlith

This is another profile for my Dragon VS. Hunter Role Play. This character is a Hunter because I needed one XD (click the "Akrah Merlith" comes ofter the "Appearance" section at the bottom to see what she looks like. The artwork was found online, not mine)

Opening Post

Vaex walked out of the forest and into a valley. The night sky was beautiful and the full moon lit up the land like a lantern. Vaex heard a howl in the distance.
"Were-Wolfs. Glad that I didn't try to become one of those. They always smell..." Vaex wrinkled up her nose thinking about it, but shook off the thought. Yet another Hunter died at her feet today, the hallucinations were enough to kill that one.
"She was young, to young to be a Hunter. They all know what they face when they give the pledge, but they never listen." Vaex shook her head in disgust. The night air was still and clouds pasted over the moon, enveloping the land in darkness.

This is the first post -by me of course- to the Dragons VS. Hunter Role Play that I mentioned in my previous post. Thought you guess might like to see it.

Story Line for Role Play

they now rule the skies of Earth. Brass Dragons, Green Dragons, Silver Dragons, you name it, it exists. Many a hunter, Human and Demon alike train all of their childhood to hunt and kill these Dragons. Soon, all the Dragons will cease to exist.

Who will you help?
Create your own banner at!
You pick.

click the picture of the fighting dragon and knight to go to the page of the Role Play.

Character Profile

Menewsha Name: qeanin
Name: Vaex
Color/Type/Race of Dragon: Black Air Dragon
Age: 37 ((looks 14 when a Nightmare))
Abilities: Acid breath. Control over lightning. Can cause hallucinations. Can see peoples fears. Can tell if someone is scared. Can fly without wings.
Weapons: Dragon dagger made of titanium. Enchanted crystalline dagger.
Past: Vaex has always hated the Hunters, her parents had been slaughtered by Hunters, and her other siblings were also slaughtered. After running for months, Vaex met a Nightmare and thought that is she could become one she might be able to do some harm on the Hunters. After five years of perfecting her Nightmare form, Vaex went bock out into the world. She has met many Hunters and has killed just as many. Vaex can be a nice person but will hold a grudge against you if anyone in your family is a Hunter, because it always seems that if one is a Hunter the others will follow. Vaex vary rarely changes back into a Dragon and some other Dragons find that a weakness, but Vaex had found that she has accomplish more as a Nightmare. Deep down she is a sweet person but it take trust and honesty to get there.
Humanoid Form: Vaex's humanoid form is a Nightmare. She stands a tall five foot four, and has shoulder length almost white blond hair, and glowing blood red eyes. Her skin is quite pale and she usually wears a pair of ripped slightly blood stained jeans, and a purple long sleeved old gypsy shirt, that is also slightly ripped. Her canine teeth are pointed like a vampires. Her nails are always long and pointed and they never seem to break. Her clothes blend and meld into her scales when she returns to her dragon form, which might change the color of her scales ever so slightly.
Dragon Form:
Black Dragon

This is a character for a Role Play online I made. so far nobody has joined but they'll come around :3

oh....I haven't post the story thingy yet...oh well, it'll be the next post ^.^

((the dragon picture I found online. not my work))

Random MySpace post XD

alrighty, heres the deal:

1. i caught my boy-friend eating smurfs.

2. my best friend's little sister is a giant armored wolf.

3. my little brother is a gnome named Gnome.

4. Levex Baeshra is Draconic for "Enchanted Animal".

5. my coming of age is like a week away.

6. home-schoolers VS. out-schoolers

7. if your not wierd you do not deserve to live.

8. i am a Darastrix.

9. nine is a magic number.

10. my mom gave me an awesome hair-cut.

11. i'm dying my hair purple.

thats all i have to say, thank you lady's and gentlemen *bow and exit stage left*

Time Means Nothing: Prologue

Diamen fell to his knees, his long silver hair falling over his face and tears streaming down his cheeks.

"What have I done?" his voice was cracked and small "How could I have done this? How!?"

Before him on a chair of solid gold, a young human girl sat. She couldn't of been older than eleven or twelve. Her Blond hair hung limply on her shoulders, her eyes were closed. Even though she looked alive, her chest was not moving, her lips were colorless, and her skin cold to the touch. Diamen looked up. To him the human girl was not the one he saw in the chair. Instead at slender woman sat. She looked about fourteen, but the strange thing about her was that her skin was charcoal black and her eyes were open. It was her eyes the Diamen stared into. They were glowing violet, the whole eye glowing violet, but the glow soon faded and her eyes too soon became black like the rest of her. Diamen stood, wiped the tears from his face and walked away from that dark place. Once he was about ten feet away from the chair, the room around him seemed to swallow the chair up, girls and all. Now Diamen stood in an the empty room where the young human girl had once slept, but now nobody would ever dare sleep in that room, for nightmares would be the only thing that every slept there peacefully.

"I swear...." Diamen clutched his hand in a fist. 'I swear on your body Akira that i will find the other two and they will not suffer they way you did. I swear i will bring them home alive." with that Diamen disappeared, like smoke in a breeze..