Character Profile

Menewsha Name: qeanin
Name: Vaex
Color/Type/Race of Dragon: Black Air Dragon
Age: 37 ((looks 14 when a Nightmare))
Abilities: Acid breath. Control over lightning. Can cause hallucinations. Can see peoples fears. Can tell if someone is scared. Can fly without wings.
Weapons: Dragon dagger made of titanium. Enchanted crystalline dagger.
Past: Vaex has always hated the Hunters, her parents had been slaughtered by Hunters, and her other siblings were also slaughtered. After running for months, Vaex met a Nightmare and thought that is she could become one she might be able to do some harm on the Hunters. After five years of perfecting her Nightmare form, Vaex went bock out into the world. She has met many Hunters and has killed just as many. Vaex can be a nice person but will hold a grudge against you if anyone in your family is a Hunter, because it always seems that if one is a Hunter the others will follow. Vaex vary rarely changes back into a Dragon and some other Dragons find that a weakness, but Vaex had found that she has accomplish more as a Nightmare. Deep down she is a sweet person but it take trust and honesty to get there.
Humanoid Form: Vaex's humanoid form is a Nightmare. She stands a tall five foot four, and has shoulder length almost white blond hair, and glowing blood red eyes. Her skin is quite pale and she usually wears a pair of ripped slightly blood stained jeans, and a purple long sleeved old gypsy shirt, that is also slightly ripped. Her canine teeth are pointed like a vampires. Her nails are always long and pointed and they never seem to break. Her clothes blend and meld into her scales when she returns to her dragon form, which might change the color of her scales ever so slightly.
Dragon Form:
Black Dragon

This is a character for a Role Play online I made. so far nobody has joined but they'll come around :3

oh....I haven't post the story thingy yet...oh well, it'll be the next post ^.^

((the dragon picture I found online. not my work))

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