Chain of Powers

This Topic come up on a web-sight that I play on. Thought I might share.

I believe that there is chain of powers for this Earth and that every planet with life on it has this chain, but each one varies between worlds. The chain goes like this:

The all Creator: A being of power that obtained the power to create life and so on. There is only one of these being for every planet. This being came form a chain for a different planet. It became powerful enough to break from it's old chain and start it's own.

The Gods: Beings that were created from the beliefs of the people living on the planet. There are as many of these beings as there are the belief in them. If you get what I mean.

Higher Entities: Beings that keep the balance between everything. War and peace, good and evil, realty and fantasy, etc. If there are more Higher Entities that favor one thing more than the other, the thing that has more "votes" has more power. Like there are more Entities for war than peace here on Earth.

Lesser Entities: These beings watch over us and make sure that we are in check. Many Lesser Entities are assigned to certain people. Like a guardian and unconscious adviser.

The Elements: The Elements vary from rock, lava, and water to fate, time and destiny. They are probably most important part in the chain. Without them, we would have nothing (Nothing is also an Element by the way). Each Element is addressed as "Brother" or "Sister" and then the element they are in control of. Such has, Brother Fire, and Sister Future. On Earth Sister Space is the strongest Element.

The People: This is quite obvious. Its us. Humans, Vampires, Ferengi, whatever. It is the race/species/people that live on the planet.

Also each being can become stronger and change into one of the beings above it. For example:

A Person can be chosen to take the place of an Element when said Element wishes to retire. Then when The Element becomes more powerful and more respected it can become a Lesser Entity. When the Lesser Entity has earned the right to be more, it can become a Higher Entity. From there the Higher Entity can take on the role of a God When that God wishes to retire. After the God has become powerful enough it can break from the chain and become an All Creator, and start his/her own chain.

Theres lots more but this is the basics ^3^


Dr. Larry Peck said...

Do the elements have a gender orientation that identifies them as brother or sister?

Patience said...

Yes. Since an Element is basically the evolved from of the people of the planet. When the person becomes a Element it keeps it's gender. I'll do more detailed post later ^3^

Melina said...

Very cool. I can imagine, thousands of years from now, someone finding your writing and imagining that this was our religion! Who created the first All Creator?

Patience said...

That would be AWESOME!...srry. Anyways, the First "All Creator" is a mystery. No-one knows how it all started and never will. Thats just how it is ^,,^

Lydia Netzer said...

Does a god gain power (sufficient power to break the chain and become its own all-creator) by having more people believe in him/her? Or by achieving things, or by being "good" whatever that means -- you know maybe being *effective*?

Patience said...

Its mostly how many people believe in the God. But they also get more powerful by how -strong- the people believe in said God.