Living so many lives

Part Five
Out in space.
For weeks now, Jake has been bombarding me with questions about the tablet. Why did I do what I did when he first showed it to me? What did the tablet mean to me? I never spoke a word. He would sometimes threaten me, by saying he would kill Thane. I knew he was bluffing. Sometimes he would put the laser pistol to my head and say that if I didn't tell him he would kill me. I knew that if he killed me, he'd be just as bad off then as he is now. So I said nothing.We docked at a space port. Jake made me stay behind. It was another day a useless questioning, but Jake never gave up. Then, there was a knock on the door. Jake looked up, a glint of panic in his eyes. But he pulled himself together, put his gun in its holster, and went to the door.
"Hello?" He asked, but before he could say any more there was a loud 'thud' and he fell to the ground, nose bleeding. I looked up, there was a girl in the door way. Not much younger than me.
"Goodbye." She said taking a shot form her bag and injecting Jake with some kind of molten gold liquid. Then she stood and cut Thane's bonds. Her hair was brown and her bangs had been died a very vibrant ocean blue. But what had really caught my eye was the tattoos on her shoulder blades. Wings, the same color as her hair. She was also one of my kind.
"Take the tablet. I'll get him." She said, in a voice way beyond her looks. I did as she said. Her wings were blue, a sign of age and years, that meant that she was my elder and I was obligated to do as she said. She carried Thane down the hallways while I carried the tablet. She took us to an airlock where she had snuck in and where her ship was attached to our hull. She put Thane in the back seat and the tablet in a padded case. I sat in the seat next to her.
"May I be so kind, as to ask your name?" I asked her. She smiled.
"No problem. I'm Qeanin. Third born." She said starting the shuttle. My eyes widened in surprise and honor. I was with the third born, the most powerful and respected of my race.


Melina said...

This is great, very exciting. I like the addition of a long line of powerful warrior types. It really enriches the story.

We want more... we want more...


Dr. Larry Peck said...

Did the gold liquid kill Jake?

Patience said...

to Melina: THANK YOU!!! *hug* C:

To Larry: I never really made up my mind about that >3<